Thursday, December 1, 2011

Country needs well-informed citizenry

The true colors, red or blue, of each member of Congress, to which much was entrusted and little expected, have manifested themselves on cue and in a manner that surprises no one. Congress has accomplished zero, nothing. Nothing was expected.

There are 249 millionaires in Congress, none of whom can relate to the 99 percent of the population who struggle to make ends meet. Remember a couple of years ago when this new Congress told us they had the solution to the recession? Apparently, they didn't share it with the rest of us. Nor with each other.
The debt supercommittee's deficit-reduction discussions must have taken place in the Capitol gymnasium, where it's likely most major decisions are deliberated prior to public pronouncement. Most purposeful people understand there has to be compromise for any deficit-reduction effort to move forward. Defying the laws of probability, apparently that kind of person doesn't exist in our Congress.

By getting the public to focus on the either-or choice of cutting $1.2 trillion from the budget over 10 years or activating automatic spending cuts of the same amount, Congress has once again been able to detract from its immovability and gamesmanship. It raises the question, does anybody in Congress understand they were elected to put an end to the criminality in that "esteemed" body?

It's the same old game in Washington. The question was whether the supercommittee would compromise on spending cuts or allow automatic reductions to be triggered. It was a no-brainer from the start.
Congress has toyed with the people again, in effect saying, "We don't think you're bright enough to get what's really going on, so we'll just play the same old tired game because it still works." Our representatives must believe they're smarter than the rest of us. That's preposterous, but there is a major difference between them and us: they have access to "insider" information, which gives them monumental advantage.

This situation is why America needs term limits. Our founders designed our Constitution based on their life expectancy. They couldn't have seen that people elected now, living longer and empowered by enormous amounts of money, seize ownership of the political process and make it theirs, sometimes for life.

There's much clamor for returning to constitutional principles, but there's a need to amend that document. Men and women in high places fall prey to self-delusional grandiosity. Modesty is absent in their psyches and vocabularies. Our governing documents should reflect and deal with that frailty. Election to high office doesn't mean an individual is capable of governing, only that he or she understands manipulation of the political process.

Any segment of a population has few who are true leaders, many who follow the leader, and some who must depend on the rest. History is filled with unfortunate examples of leaders who were not great thinkers or humanitarians, but they were good fighters or they had loyal subjects who did the fighting for them. Modern leadership is more demanding.

Morality must take hold of humanity's ongoing evolution. The world is ready. It now has a critical mass of bright, thinking people who see subjugation and financial imprisonment for what they are: serfdom. Hundreds of equality fighters emerge daily into the world scene, and they will not be denied. Killing or imprisoning them only delays the inevitable. Others rise to replace them. No longer can the world's people be contained by a few, with one glaring exception: control of money.

Those who control money and its supply reign supreme. It's an invisible process, staged away from the prying eyes and ears of those who are forced to fork over their money to enrich the money manipulators. People who control money are real, not imaginary. If we don't believe that, then we deserve to be where we are. We don't get to see the concealed backstage financial puppeteers because they are hidden from view. We get to see only the center stage portion of the show, and none of the clandestine and predatory shenanigans behind the backdrop. Often the stage is momentarily darkened, the better to hide what's going on. Visibility would create riots in the streets.

America has fallen victim to its financial, banking and corporate excesses, and greed. Our debt-driven economy has transferred all power to the money people, and they're not about to give up any of it. They believe they deserve it.

We don't see things as they are. We see things as we are. Day by day, all of us must grow into a higher level of consciousness. For some, the day is over. For others, it's just beginning.

Dick Rozek is a Portsmouth resident.

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